A Couple of My Articles Were Reprinted in a new Memphis Public Library
Recently, the Memphis Public Library (via The Memphis Library Foundation)
launched a new
quarterly publication called MPL UNBOUND.
I’m happy and pro...
6 days ago
Only the political skit for me. I haven't found Saturday Night Live funny in a very long time!
I watch parts online and love it! I think I've watched Amy's rap at least 20 times.
Just when I finally able to get Chris to watch SNL with me b/c I told him it was funny again....they go and ruin it with skits like "McGruber"....
I have always loved Tina Fey, but she has really outdone herself with the dead-on Palin impersonations. And Poehler's rap was just friggin' hilarious.
I am usually out and about on Saturday nights so I just catch whats online, which is better anyway because the show can drag on a bit.
Wow, did I miss a week?
I watch almost everything online, these days.
I haven't been watching SNL for years. A long time ago, it was one of my faves, but somehow it lost something for me. Most of the time, I just don't find it funny except for the political skits and Weekend Update.
However, Tina Fey rocks as Sarah Palin and I have been watching the political skits and Weekend Update. Mostly we tape it and zoom thru.
I quit watching SNL decades ago - guess I just couldn't get into it after the original cast totally disappeared.
I do like Tiny Fey's show 30 Rock though.
I stick around for the whole episode. I have found that the first hour is often very good...withe sketches seeming to lose steam in last half hour.
For me, what has brought the program into my priorities again(I had lost interest in it for a couple of years) is Kristen Wing. I think she is so talented and so funny.
I am always interested in the musical guests and last week Coldplay was excellent.
I only watch the political skit cos well I just haven't liked SNL in ages.
Jessica: I've always felt that SNL was overrated.
Kristi: I'm glad I added the "watch it online" option to the poll. I remember that it was you who told me about the Hall and Oates parody during one of the Weekend Updates... thanks again.
Thriving Holly: When I saw one of the McGruber skits, I was like, "what the hell?!" Not funny at all! Props to Tina Fey because she could have easily just got by on the fact that she looks like Sarah Palin. Instead she nailed the voice perfectly. When I was watching Amy Poehler do the rap, I was afraid she was going to go into labor.
Clnmike: That's a smart way to watch it because sitting through some of those skits can be painful.
X. Dell: Yes you did... can you believe it's November already?! I am grateful to sites like You Tube, Hulu.com, etc. because can almost always catch something that you missed when it first aired.
The Chick Who Rocks (the Vote): I think that SNL needs some new writers because they should be embarrassed for some of that stuff that they try to pass off as comedy. I think it was at its best during the Eddie Murphy/Joe Piscopo era and later on when people like Phil Hartman and Dennis Miller were with the show.
Pop Art Diva: I know it's blasphemous to some, but I couldn't really get into the Not Ready For Prime Time Players. Although I've only seen it once or twice, I did enjoy 30 Rock.
Candy: I think I have seen Kristen Wiig in a few skits. Was she the one in the skit with Michael Phelps where they played teenage cousins?
Mistress of the D: You probably haven't missed much.
Forgive me for not visiting lately, Malcolm. I am trying to catch up.
The Sarah Palin Rap should go in their Hall of Fame.
Barbara: It's all good.
Believer 1964: That Sarah Palin rap skit was pretty good. The writers need to bottle that because most of SNL is fairly mediocre.
...all the plumbers in the house pull your pants up.
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