The Misinformation Machine.
The level of insanity going on this country right now is mind blowing. On
one side you have a cult spreading disinformation, lies, and wallowing in
1 week ago
Kermit was the man...or rather star I mean.
Well, it was a close race between Oscar the Grouch, The Cookie Monster (who doesn't love a cookie monster?) and Big Bird, but. . . . BIG BIRD WON!
Tall, yellow, covered in feathers? Gotta love him!
Cookie Monster is my fave!
What y'all know about Grover?
Y'all sleeping on Grover...
Grover got PLAYED in that Elmo fiasco. Elmo is a NOBODY. NOBODY, I SAY!
Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, and Count for me!
i was always a fan of Animal
Animal was my favorite. He always made me laugh.
Clnmike: His rendition of "The Rainbow Connection" was classic.
Pop Art Diva: Good rationale on your behalf.
The Rock Chick: Just reading the Cookie Monster's name makes me hungry for some Chips Ahoy, lol.
Ms. Marvulus: It looks like you may have struck a chord because Grover is in the lead right now.
Thembi: I had forgotten about your hatred for Elmo. By the way, that post you wrote about Elmo and how he usurped Grover was spot on.
Jessica: I'm glad to see The Count getting some love in this poll.
Bryan and Adelle: To the best of my knowledge, Animal appeared exclusively on "The Muppet Show" and never showed up on "Sesame Street". However, your write-in votes still count.
i voted for oscar, because i'm grouchy like him lol, and bert & ernie.
i can see you like pop culture a LOT! :) wonder who can beat who at trivial pursuit 80's? LOL
thanks for stopping by my blog & commenting...i hadn't remembered that synth showdown either until i saw it again the other day. i totally love the 80s!
i know you must, too, since you're only a yr younger. :) happy belated birthday, btw..mine was on the 4th.
Yea Grover!
I always though the Count was the coolest.
For some reason I have always liked Grover the best.
Ciara: Oscar was my favorite growing up and still is. As for who can beat me at 80s Trivial Pursuit... no one can!! Just kidding. I haven't played in awhile so I may be a little bit rusty.
By the way, thanks for the birthday wish. Happy belated birthday to you as well... on Election Day no less.
Candy and Barbara: If there was an award for best Sesame Street Muppet name, my vote would go for Grover. I don't know if it's because it sounds like "groove", but I've always liked that name.
Kid: Thanks for weighing in.
Malcolm, I frequently find that with hardcore right-wingers, one would frequently have to suspend logic. They seem to go mostly with talking points without even bothering to checking the facts.
Regarding Lauren, I wouldnt call her a right-winger, but she seems to have grown somewhat bitter after the election results. Thats evident in one recent discussion where she seems to imply somehow that Obama voters were the ones mainly responsible for passing prop 8 in california. I could argue that it was more percentage of McCain voters that did it as thats entirely possible too, but I wont since I dont know for sure.
I do have to give credit to her for allowing me to put my message forth on her blog.
I agree I am not sure I will change her or any other non-Obama-supporters' minds, but all I can do is present an argument in an non-attacking way and just call her out on things that seem to defy logic or rationale.
So I guess the only things guys like me (or us) can do is to propagate an equal number of messages that enhance the positives for the Obama administration (of course only when deserved), and keep calling out the people who criticize him without much logic.
It does get tiring after a while though!
Haha, I was going to do exactly what Candy Minx already did with Grover's near and far. I guess great minds think alike. :)
My favorite sesame street person is the guy who stands in front the camera and says "NEAR!" Then runs away and says "FAR!"
Chandrakant: I have no doubt about Lauren's bitterness since the election results. The discussion you pointed out (her theory that Obama voters were responsible for the passing of Prop 8) is classic Lauren. When you pointed out that the article didn't provide any evidence to support her theory, she got snarky and mistakenly thought you were talking about a different link she provided in her post. As you said, tiring indeed.
Mama PJ and Scott: There seems to be a lot of fans of the "Near and Far" sketch.
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