Contrite Facebook CEO promises new privacy controls
However, talk is just like a $5 hooker (cheap) so it remains to be seen if Zuckerberg will be a man of his word. What do you think?
Zuckerberg may want to keep that pail on standby: a movie about the founding of Facebook, The Social Network, is scheduled to open on October 15, 2010.
With the $5 hooker, you may not get screwed very well. Zuckerberg, on the other hand... Malcolm knows how I feel about this due to my actions over the weekend. I deleted my FB account (which I used numerous times a day and had 110 friends or so). I then started up another account under an old nickname and I will no longer share any personal info, photos, or videos on the site. I realize my life is much more public than I would like it to be and know that deleting my account was more of a stand against "the man" (or more like "the billionaire boy") than a real attempt at privacy. It doesn't help that I am the only David Vacilek on the planet either...
Um, I am a bit of a gullible person...but I think people will leave fb if the ceo doesn't improve privacy. And i believe he is sincere.
I do believe he's sincere about it, yes. I also understand there is something very "unprivate" about social networking. I'm torn about the issue. I think if it's a problem or concern for people, then, like Dave, they should really be limiting what they post if they want to participate. On a personal level with reconnecting with old friends, staying in touch with current friends and even making new ones (like you!), I get WAY more out of it than I'm concerned about it.
I have a facebook account but I got it in 2004, when facebook had just started out, and I was in college. I rarely use it now and have always thought there was something creepy and Big Brother-ish about it, even when I was a more active facebooker.
I think Zuckerberg will try to turn things around now that everyone's outraged or whatever. But if he were truly sincere he would have safeguarded user privacy from the get-go and none of this would even be an issue.
Whenever I see this kid (who is only a year younger than me) I remember this interview he gave on the Today Show where he was wearing adidas slippers, jeans, and I think, a hoodie. It was just a total debacle and made him seem like a jerk. I hope they include that moment in the movie.
I think he's probably torn being popular and making a profit. i doubt if "doing the right thing" is even part of the equation . . .
Amber: 2004 would have been around the time that Mark had this IM exchange with a friend.
Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask.
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don't know why.
Zuck: They "trust me"
Zuck: Dumb fucks.
If that doesn't tell you what he thinks of everyone's privacy...I don't know what will.
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