A Couple of My Articles Were Reprinted in a new Memphis Public Library
Recently, the Memphis Public Library (via The Memphis Library Foundation)
launched a new
quarterly publication called MPL UNBOUND.
I’m happy and pro...
5 days ago
Hey Malcolm, as much as I loved MJ's music, I never really cared for his videos. But of the ones you listed, "In The Closet" was visually more appealing to me than any of the others.
Not sure why my "vote" won't show, but I did cast one for "In The Closet."
Lori: So you're the one who doesn't care for MJ's videos! :-) Although I enjoyed the lavish videos that he made, I liked the fact that MJ could do a clip like "In the Closet"... minimalist, but still visually striking.
By the way, did your vote for "In the Closet" ever get recorded? When a vote doesn't show, refreshing the page often does the trick.
Hey Malcom, actually, I had to use my old, slow desk top in order to vote. Not sure why. Anyway, yeah, I'm the one, lol. Think I like "In the Closet" because it seems like MJ isn't acting or in character. Also, I found his hair more appealing (tolerable) when it was pulled back . . .
Thriller changed everything... it was some sort of marker in music video history - Off the wall is the masterpiece !!
Lori: MJ did look cool with the slicked back hair and the ponytail.
Stagg: I think both "Beat It" and "Thriller" were the game changers in the music video world. After they came out, it seemed like every artist was making a music video that had fancy choreography. Hell, even Pat Benatar got into the act with the video for "Love Is A Battlefield".
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