"State of the Union causes State of Confusion"
The state of this fragile American union is not good. It's not good because
the leader is intentionally trying to divide us and destroy it. I am not
2 days ago
That's a tough one. I voted for Kids in the Hall mostly because I figure everyone is going to vote for Chappelle. But back in the day Kids in the Hall was hilarious!
My vote has to go to In Living Color even though in recent years I have fallen in love with SNL reruns. I used to watch In Living Color religiously. The Wayans Brothers, Jim Carey, and all the other hysterical actors of this show have done well, but I wish they would just make one more season, kinda like a reunion :)
Darn it, hubby using my computer again. That last comment was from Sarah, not Damien (even though his face and name are currently appearing, lol)
I picked SNL - while I do vaguely remember In Living Color and liking it, I was too young to really remember acurately. Plus SNL has been on so long, I love their political sketches. Just so many good episodes to choose from! :-)
Wow--this is a tough one because I don't think anything beats the old SNL during the Belushi, Aykroyd, Radner era. Now I just don't like SNL at all.
I did like In Living Color, sometimes. I don't know--that show was hit or miss with me.
My parents were big Laugh-In fans and I always watched with them. I loved it! I voted for Laugh-In because I'm not sure how many of your readers would remember that show and it deserved to be recognized :)
Got to go with In Living Color.
Laugh In
This is a cute couple in your picture. That's not you??
Lots of good choices. I could consider Chapelle and Monty Python. But I took Laugh-In. I really think it was the smartest and most innovative (and the funniest) of my three favorites.
I gotta stick with Laugh-In, Malcolm. Such a classic!
That was too hard!!!! I love every one of those!!!
I had to go local though...and choose the one that keeps on giving even after all these years a Canadian SCTV...
But I only voted to play the game...I love all of these!
Jay: I am surprised that as of now, Chappelle as zero votes.
Sarah (masquerading as Damien): I would love it if a network would produce at least an "In Living Color" reunion or retrospective.
Frigga: My favorite era of SNL were when Eddie Murphy and Joe Piscopo were on the show in the early 80s and then later on when Phil Hartman was a cast member.
The Rock Chick: Even though the humor is dated (which is true of most sketch shows), I would still watch Laugh-In today. I used to love the "Joke Wall" at the end of the show and the "Cocktail Party" segment.
Pjazzy: Instead of showing "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition", why doesn't TV Land bring back "In Living Color"?
Marcia: Verrry interesting!
Claudia: No, that isn't me in the photo, lol. Believe it or not, I actually look a lot like my animated avatar. My eyes aren't that big though, lol.
X. Dell: For it's time, Laugh-In was in a class all by itself.
Pop Art Diva: I am glad that I decided to include "Laugh-In" because I think it's one of those shows that is held in high regard by most who remember watching it.
Candy: SCTV is one of those shows that doesn't get enough credit. Because they did more TV spoofs, I thought SCTV was way better than SNL.
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