In honor of National Women's History Month, I decided to devote this week's T13 to some of the unsung, unheralded (and any other "un" that fits) females of popular music. Since much has been written about women such as Aretha, Madonna, Ella, and Janis, I thought it would be fun to instead focus on some who aren't quite as known. Some of the ladies below are relatively obscure while others have received some acclaim, but not nearly as much as they deserve.
1. LaVern Baker

One of the biggest female stars of the early rock era, Baker's chart run lasted from 1955's "Tweedlee Dee" through the 1966 single "Think Twice" (a duet with Jackie Wilson). Baker was equally at home singing uptempo tunes ("See See Rider") as she was mournful ballads ("I Cried A Tear").
2. Eva Cassidy

Like most people, I didn't discover the music of Eva Cassidy until after her death from melanoma in 1996 at the age of 33. A master song stylist, she interpreted tunes made famous by artists such as The Box Tops (The Letter), Cyndi Lauper (Time After Time), Bill Withers (Ain't No Sunshine), and The Impressions (People Get Ready). The lovely voice of Eva goes perfectly with your beverage of choice on a weekend morning.
3. Fanny

Formed in the late 1960s, Fanny was a band I first discovered while watching the 10-part A&E documentary "The Golden Age of Rock and Roll" back in the early 1990s. True pioneers in the women's rock movement, they were the first all-female band to sign with a major label (Reprise Records).
4. Millie Jackson

A singer whose sexy persona preceded rappers like Foxy Brown and Lil' Kim, Millie was known for including long, humorous, and explicit spoken sections in her music. Although her forte was R&B, Millie also recorded disco and country-styled songs as well.
5. Labelle

Although most people remember "Lady Marmalade", Labelle released some other quality material during their time together. Starting out as a conventional girl group in the early 1960s (under the name The Bluebelles), they updated their image and sound in 1970. In addition to releasing a string of critically acclaimed albums in the early to mid 1970s, Labelle also toured with The Who. According to reports, Labelle is working on a new album (with Lenny Kravitz producing) and plans to tour this year.
6. Darlene Love

Most people today probably know Darlene Love from her appearances in the "Lethal Weapon" movies (she played the wife of Danny Glover's character). However, she was one of the most prolific females of early rock and roll. Working with Phil Spector, Love sang lead with The Blossoms and Bob B. Soxx and the Blue Jeans. Although credited to The Crystals, the hits "He's A Rebel" and "He's Sure the Boy I Love" were actually recorded by The Blossoms.
7. The Luv'd Ones

I first heard this Michigan rock band after purchasing the superb boxed set "One Kiss Lead To Another: Girl Group Sounds Lost & Found" a few years ago. The Luv'd Ones were fronted by Char Vinnedge, who was the band's driving force. Not only did she write all their songs and design their artwork, Char even drove their tour van as well! Featuring distorted guitar work, a strong backbeat, and Char's icy lead vocal, their 1966 single "Up Down Sue" was well ahead of its time.
8. The Marvelettes

Often playing third fiddle to their Motown label mates The Supremes and Martha & the Vandellas, the Marvelettes' distinguished themselves by having two capable lead singers (Gladys Horton and Wanda Young). They were also the first Motown act to have a #1 hit on the Billboard Pop Singles chart (1961's "Please Mr. Postman").
9. Poe

Even more than introducing others to new music, I love it when someone turns me on to an artist that I haven't heard. Back when I was employed at a bookstore in the early part of the decade, two of my former co-workers would play the 1995 CD "Hello" by Poe. I was struck by Poe's unique combination of folk, rock, and electronica, as well as her offbeat lyrics.
10. Sylvia Robinson

As one half of the duo Mickey and Sylvia, Robinson had a hit back in 1957 called "Love Is Strange" (a song that gained new life when it was included in the film "Dirty Dancing"). In addition to her recording career, Robinson also deserves credit for bringing rap to the mainstream. In the 1970s, she co-founded Sugarhill Records and was instrumental in the formation of The Sugarhill Gang (whose song "Rapper's Delight" was the first hip hop tune to hit the Top 40).
11. Evie Sands

Evie Sands is another artist that I discovered from the box set "One Kiss Lead To Another". Launching her career in the 1960s, Sands recorded the original version of "Angel of the Morning" (which became a hit for Merilee Rush and the Turnabouts). Although Sands never had a major hit, her songs have been recorded by artists such as Streisand, Gladys Knight, and Dusty Springfield. Speaking of Dusty, Evie Sands' soulful voice reminds me of Ms. Springfield.
12. Judee Sill

The story of Judee Sill is one of music's saddest. Her delicate, melodic songs belie the hard life that she led. Losing her father and older brother in separate incidents when she was young, Judee eventually landed in reform school for robbery. After a stint in college, she spent time in jail for narcotics and passing forged checks. It was during this period that she honed her songwriting skills. In 1970, Judee was the first artist to sign with Asylum Records (which later became home to The Eagles, Jackson Browne, and Linda Ronstadt among others). After recording two critically acclaimed (but poor selling) albums, Judee dropped out of the music biz in the mid 1970s. Falling prey to cocaine and heroin addiction, Judee was involved in a car accident that left her in extreme pain. She died in 1979 of a cocaine overdose at the age of 35.
13. Timi Yuro

As a kid in the early 80s, I immersed myself in the oldies of the 50s and 60s. When I first heard the amazing voice of Timi Yuro, I thought I was listening to a black blues belter. As you can probably tell from the picture, I was wrong. Timi counted among her fans Elvis (who had a Top 10 country hit with his 1976 version of her biggest hit "Hurt") and Morrissey (who described her as his favorite singer).
Are there any female recording artists that you don't think have gotten enough credit?
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I am another one who discovered Eva Cassidy after her death. What a talent - there is just something about her voice and phrasing of lyrics. Love her music. (if anyone on here has never heard her - you MUST)
I have my 11th Edition of my Thursday 13.
It's 13 Rides/Attractions I love at Disney World.
Drop by - I'm glad to see you and will visit you.
Very interesting topic for your TT! Thanks for visiting mine about inspiring people. You worked in bookstores? Wow, sounds like heaven! :-)
This is the coolest! I wish I had thought of it. Millie Jackson also does a mean cover of "Kiss You All Over". I actually have the albums that include the songs "Back In Love By Monday" and "Messin With My Mind". I have "Too Many Fish In The Sea" on the Marvelettes Anthology album and I think I have "Wait Til Bobby Gets Home" on an album entitled "Super Girls". Picture it...1972 (or maybe 1973). I walk from my home in Beecher way over on North Saginaw (well over a mile) just to purchase "Pillow Talk". Kudos, great list!
I love Patti Labelle singing anything. That woman has an awesome voice. Have a great TT. :)
Never have heard of any of them, but I am fairly illiterate in the entertainment realm. Happy TT!
Very interesting list, although I will admit I have not heard of any of these - guess that's why they are appropriate for your unsung heroes of female singers. Happy TT.
Too Many Fish in the Sea is such a great record! The sound is so fantabulously Motown! Thanks for mentioning it.
My unsung ladies would be Laura Nyro (Sweet Blindness, Eli's Coming, oh, so many!) and Nicolette Larson (Let Me Go, Love with Michael McDonald).
Thanks for visiting my TT -- even though you beat me and ended my streak!
2. Eva Cassidy- Bridge Over Troubled Water great song i am so lame i guess i prefer male artists
I've heard of The Marvellettes and Poe. I think I'm doing okay for a metal head...
Unsung is right! I haven't heard of any of these but I'm interested that someone else made a version of Bridge Over Troubled Water. rather a brave thing to do since Simon & G had so definitively made the song their own.
Thanks on behalf of all these talented ladies! I hadn't heard of many of them but remember the Judee Sills story, very sad.
And it is often the case that those who didn't make it really big were the best. But they wouldn't compromise their talent.
Don't think I recognized any of these :? The Marvelettes I thought was funny thought - that name is...
Happy TT :)
Boy. You are so right about these ladies. I'm amazed at how the music industry churns through young girls (really) 19 year olds and such. I recognize these ladies but....
Happy TT, Malcolm!
My TT is about Art Candy.
Holly: Eva definitely had a way of making a song her own. While putting together this T13, I learned that there are plans for a possible movie on her life. Eva's parents suggested Kirsten Dunst or Emily Watson as possible actresses who could play their daughter.
Tink: Yes, I worked in quite a few bookstores. Although not quite heaven, it was a helluva lot better than flipping burgers.
Pjazzy: When I was looking up info on Millie Jackson last night, I learned that she did a version of "Kiss You All Over". I'll bet she scorched it up. I remember that her and Isaac Hayes did a version of "Do You Wanna Make Love". When Isaac sang the title lyric, Millie responded, "Damn right!"
Sandee: I was lucky enough to see Patti Labelle in concert about 10 years ago. She put on quite a show, kicked her shoes off and everything.
Ornery's Wife: It's never too late to become literate entertainment-wise. Thanks for visiting.
Cricket: I hope you take the opportunity to check some of these women out. Thanks for stopping by.
The Gal Herself: The streak is ovah!
Good choices for your unsung females... both of whom died way too young. I was thinking of including Laura Nyro on my list. Unfortunately, I don't have any of her music. I need to remedy that.
Marcia: No, I wouldn't say you're lame. Thanks for commenting.
Susan: 2 out of 13 ain't bad.
Nicholas: I think that "Bridge Over Troubled Water" is right up there with "Yesterday" when it comes to the number of cover versions.
Barbara: I knew this would be right up your alley. My introduction to Judee Sill was because the Turtles did a beautiful version of Lady-O that was included on their Greatest Hits CD. When I came across her 2 albums at my place of work, I did some research and learned all about her tragic life.
Anthony: That's what happened with Judee Sill (paying for her unwillingness to compromise). She didn't want to continue opening for other acts. As a result, her label dropped her.
Chuck: Thanks for swinging by. If you like the name The Marvelettes, their music is even better.
Claudia: Females have definitely had it rough when it comes to the music biz.
You ended your sentence with "But...". Don't leave me in suspense, lol.
What an interesting TT, Malcolm! I thoroughly enjoyed it. :D
Great list...lets give a shout out to the ladies in the house!!! Happy TT.
Wow, I don't think I've heard of any of these women, and that's too bad. This gives me something to look up over spring break, though :)
Excellent TT!
I will have to check them out later. Happy TT.
Great list. I love the Marvellettes.
You're missing Dar Williams tho.
You taught me plenty. Thanks, Malcolm!
I have never heard of them. Well, did Eva Cassidy sing "Fields of Gold (or leaves) too?"
Wow. I must have a woefully inadequate music collection. I've never heard any of these. I'll have to check some of these out - thanks for the list.
Some of these I know but most I never heard of. Could I add anybody to the list? I like Kate Bush. She may be unsung here in the states but not in the U.K. although it was about a decade between her last albums. Lori Anderson?
My 70th Thursday 13 is up. 13 Childrens Books That Were Never Written Stop by if you get a chance.
I never know those singers, sorry :D But you have great list.
Visit My T13, List of movies that I don‘t watch Thanks
I've always liked Please Mr. Postman. I'm very intrigued by what you've said about Poe. I'm going to have to check her out.
Secret Agent Mama: Thank you!
Lori: Putting this T13 together was a labor of love. Too often, women in music get overlooked.
Home On Earth: If and when you check any of these artists out, feel free to let me know what you think.
Pussreboots: Thanks for visiting.
Journeywoman: Thanks for stopping by. However, I didn't forget to include Dar Williams as you suggested. Although I have heard of Dar Williams, I am not too familiar with her music. Having said that, maybe I'll sample some of her work now.
Sandy: You're welcome. I am always glad to promote worthy music.
Chelle: Yes, Eva did do a version of "Fields of Gold". In fact, I almost included that song to download instead of "Bridge Over Troubled Water".
Tasina: With the vast amount of music out there, I think that everyone has holes in their collection (I know I do). If you get around to checking any of these women out, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for commenting.
Dane: Kate Bush and Laurie Anderson both qualify as unsung female recording artists in my book. Kate's "Running Up That Hill" is an excellent tune. I remember first hearing about Laurie back in the early 80s (I think she was being profiled on 60 Minutes or a similar show). I found her approach very intriguing.
Robin: The Marvelettes recorded some top notch material back in the day. Although artists like The Beatles and The Carpenters have remade "Please Mr. Postman", I haven't heard anyone surpass the Marvelettes' version.
I think my list would have included Wanda Jackson. Katie Kisson, perhaps. Definitely the Shaggs Exene Cervenka and Carla Thomas. Probably Johnette Napolitano too. Going back even further, perhaps someone like Marni Nixon.
I don't know if I would consider Robinson, the Marvelletes or Labelle as unsung, but rather underrated. It's not as though (oh, I guess I might be wrong) people haven't heard of them. Of course, I'm of the opionion that Aretha, despite her accolades an honors, is still underrated. No one talks about her keybard tracks, or her songwriting, or her studio arranging--skills she possesses on the same level as her singing.
Some, however, like Darlene Love I would agree with. Not because peope haven't heard of her. They have. But as I age, the less people become aware of all the great music she left behind in her youth. And while shopping yesterday, the supermarket Muzak played a Millie Jackson cut I hadn't heard in years. It then dawned on me that as hot as she was back in the day, she wasn't really picked up by the oldies (oops, "heritage") stations--I don't know why. So she's a good choice too.
A couple of these (Poe and the Luv'd Ones) I've never heard of. So, thanks for providing links.
I guess I'm another one who discocered Eva Cassidy after her death...I've downloaded her songs from places like Buy and Itunes.
She had a beautiful voice...I didn't know she had died.
Really lovely list. I'll have to check some of these people out!
Thanks for your visit & comment at Captured By Gravity Dot Com!
I must admit that Suburbia by the Pet Shop Boys almost made my list!
And I gotta admit I've never heard any of these artists you have listed here - I gotta get with the program!
Great list! I only knew LaBelle, though, so I guess I have some music to check out.
Awesome list Malcolm. I love hearing about artists I hadn't heard before! And you're info is always good. I personally would have added the Donnas as well, a little more modern then most on your list, but a kick ass rock band all the same!
I am familiar with a few of the songs... but not the artists. I like how eclectic your list is!
Happy T13
Ha ha - yes I LOVE figuring out ways to work something about the show Moonlight into the #13 spot in my TT-13 each week!
BTW, your TT-13 made me go pull out some Eva Cassidy music...
I only knew of The Marvellettes and Poe. Very interesting choice for this week!
Great list, I'll have to check some of these ladies out. Happy TT!
Great topic! I am a big fan of Poe and aside from that I'd only heard of two other people on your list. Thanks for stopping by my place.Glad you liked some of those kids tunes. Happy 13!
Those women are beautiful - I have Poe's cd. Great list.
Thanks for this one Malcolm, I'm always adding to my "Girl Power" list of women in music. I knew some of the list but there were too many that were new and I appreciate learning about them!
Off to listen a bit.
Happy TT
~Xakara <-----Please use this link
P.S. Are you able to allow open ID without necessarily allowing anon comments? I thought I saw the option on another blog and it would be great to make sure people found me on livejournal rather than blogger. (But I understand not wanting anon comments)
Timi Yuro was a friend of mine. We met through mutual friends (in the 80s) and found we had a lot in commmon. When she started making records in the '60s, the record business didn't know what to do with her -- she was addicted to soul music and they wanted to make a pop star out of her.
The one thing that she didn't want to be called was "blue-eyed soul." It was an insult to her since she spent a lot of time learning her craft in black Baptist churches and traveling the chitlin' circuit with the likes of Little Richard, Chuck Berry, The Supremes, etc. She didn't want to be lumped with white artists who thought because they had listened to some soul music and executed melismas while singing, they were "soul singers." Timi knew there was so much more to it than that!
If you listen to her "Live @ P.J.'s" her speaking voice sounds more like Mavis Staples than MAVIS STAPLES! Frank Sinatra took her on tour with him to Australia in the 60s and then she stopped singing to get married and have a baby.
When she returned to Europe, her fans were waiting in droves. She packed all of the major concert halls, came back to the USA and tried to make the records SHE wanted to make. After recording with Willie Nelson, she discovered she had throat cancer. A big blow.
Anyway, her idol was "The Queen of the Blues," Dinah Washington who said after hearing Timi, "that girl has soul, honey."
Cool list. Thanks for opeining my eyes to some artists I wasn't familiar with.
Very interesting TT!
Malcolm - this was a great post and thanks so much!!!
BTW - I have just honored you with a Thinking Blogger Award meme tag!!! Visit my blog post for the rules and the Award Icon
This was a really interesting list! You can tell that it took you some time to compile it. This is my first TT, and so far, I'm learning a lot!
Fishy plays that Marvelettes song into the ground! I can't imagine why!
I have 2 of Poe's CDs. Not too keen on Eva Cassidy, mainly because of the amount of cover songs she did.
Thanks for posting this list. I know of only a few of the women on it.
My TT is also about Women's Day and month (should be year as well). Thirteen Famous (and not so famous) Women. Some of women on the list I did not know at all but the research was fun!
X. Dell: I came close to including Wanda Jackson on this list. Since there are numerous women who fit the bill, I will likely revisit this subject for a future T13.
I included women like Labelle, Sylvia, and the Marvelettes because although I don't feel they are unknown, I do consider them to be unsung: not getting the praise or claim I feel they deserve.
Excellent point about Darlene Love. What you said about the passage of time is the very reason that I included her and LaVern Baker. Darlene is one of those artists that I think people know, but don't realize they know. I think that many who have heard "He's A Rebel" by The Crystals don't realize that it's Darlene on lead vocals.
I would have been shocked to hear Millie in the overhead at the supermarket. I think that many businesses use some type of satellite radio service because when I am at restaurants or grocery stores, I hear songs that rarely get airplay on FM/AM radio.
Someone might read your comments about Aretha and wonder what you are talking about. However, your mentioning of Aretha's skills that often get overlooked are on the money.
As for me providing the links, you are quite welcome. If you are into girl groups of the 1960s, the boxed set that I mentioned twice in this post is well worth the money. It's put out by Rhino (who never cease to amaze me with their attention to detail and creative ways of packaging).
Cindy: Thank you for stopping by. I wish that Eva could have lived to see how her music has touched so many people. However, it's possible that had she lived, she would still be toiling in obscurity.
Mo: Thank for returning the favor and visiting my T13. As for you not knowing these artists, I always say that there is so much music out there that it's hard to keep up.
Lisa: Thank you. I hope that this list leads you to some cool musical discoveries.
Michael: Thank you very much! While I was compiling this list, I thought about the Donnas. If I had any of their stuff, they might have made the cut. As I mentioned to X. Dell earlier, this subject is one that I am likely to revisit. As I was compiling this T13, I was thinking of other possible women to include like Tracey Thorn, Tanya Donnelly, and Dolores O'Riordan. I eventually had to stop thinking about possible inclusions because I would have wound up with a T30 otherwise, lol.
Karla: Thanks for pointing out the eclecticism of this list. In addition to the fact that I love music from a variety of genres, I did it this way so that practically anyone could read it and be able to identify with at least one artist.
Holly: My girlfriend said that she wasn't familiar with Eva Cassidy. Maybe I will pull some out for us to listen to on Sunday morning.
Holly (aka Mama PJ): I was sure you had heard of Labelle and their song Lady Marmalade.
"Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?"
You had lost some pop culture points, but you earned them back by knowing Poe, lol.
Chris: Thanks for visiting.
Joanne: I have Poe's 2nd album (Haunted) too, but don't listen to it as much as "Hello". I need to give it another spin.
Gray Matters: Thanks for commenting. Please see my reply to Joanne.
Xakara: I'm glad I could help you expand your "Girl Power" playlist. As for allowing Open ID w/o letting anon people comment, I will have to look to see if that's possible for Blogger.
Nneprevillo: I am honored that you took the time to comment in regards to Timi Yuro. The record company's refusal to let Timi be Timi is truly a shame.
I like what you said about the term "blue eyed soul". My feeling is that if you got soul, you got soul... I don't care what color you are and as Dinah Washington said, Timi had it. The term is just more proof that our society is way too hung up on race.
I will have to look into the "Live At PJs" album that you mentioned. Thanks for suggesting it and for stopping by to provide some of your Timi Yuro memories.
Harris: You are more than welcome!
Pop Art Diva: Thanks for the award. I went to your site last night, but didn't have time to delve into the rules and such. I will check it out again later this weekend.
Mrs. Brownstone: Welcome to the Thursday Thirteen. Thanks for your kind words! This was a T13 that took some time. However, I loved every minute of it!
By the way, I like your username, it reminds me of Herman's Hermits.
Mistress of the D: Does he also play "Fish Ain't Bitin" by Lamont Dozier? lol
According to Wikipedia, Poe had/has started work on a 3rd album. It goes on to say that details are sketchy and several years have passed since the first announcement of a 3rd album. We'll see.
I can understand how the amount of covers Eva did could cause you to be sour on her. I give her a free pass on that because the covers she chooses aren't always the obvious ones. I also like how she will change the arrangements and make the song her own.
Chanpeng: Thanks for swinging by. I will definitely be by to check out your T13 on women. As did you, I also loved the research it took for me to put together this TT.
Very cool list! I'm so sorry that I am late. I do remember Tom and Jerry with the robots. LOL - Those were pretty funny. Hope you had a good TT. I've been so busy with the 5 Minutes for Mom blog party. It's been crazy!
Pamela: Thanks for stopping by. I often get behind in returning the favor to bloggers who comment on my T13 so I can relate to your situation. I think I still have at least one T13er that I have to visit before Wednesday.
This may be a bit late, but I came across your blog and you have a great list of female musicians there. I have heard of most of these artists, but I'm not familiar with the songs you spotlighted. Looks like I've got some researching to do. Some of these artists E.G.LaBelle and Eva Cassidy are ones that I've been meaning to listen to more. The LaBelle work I'm mainly familiar with is on the Laura Nyro album Gonna Take a Miracle. It's a cover album of 50's and 60's pop songs, mainly of the Motown and Doo Whop variety.
P.S. I'll bet you could do several lists such as this based on the One Kiss Can Lead to Another Boxed set alone. That's a cool boxed set!
Stefanie: It's never too late to comment, I'm glad you stopped by to do so. Regarding the song selections, I thought it would be cool to provide links to tunes that are lesser known.
Although I'm familiar with Labelle's album "Gonna Take A Miracle", I haven't heard any tracks from it. I have been meaning to check out some of their albums, but haven't for one reason or another.
I use every opportunity I have to rave about "One Kiss Lead To Another". Rhino never ceases to amaze me with their attention to detail and song selection.
I tried clicking on your link to visit your blog, but found that the profile is unavailable. Assuming you have a blog, please send me the link because I would love to check it out. Thanks again for visiting.
Well...It's always good to hear knew songs.
The Gonna Take a Miracle album is more of a Laura Nyro than a LaBelle work, although the ladies in LaBelle sing a lot of the harmonies on those songs.
About Rhino, there attention to detail, is something I'mbeing made aware of. They seem to have some reallygood boxed sets, with unique packaging and designs.
I don't have a blog. I'm just figuring how some of these work. I don't know how to set up a web page quite yet, and I think several require one. I'm using my google account. I'll figure it out, but it might be harder since I'm totally blind. Who knows. Lol.
Stefanie: My mistake on the Laura Nyro album. I have been meaning to check out some of her work.
Two of Rhino's other box sets that I own have cool packaging too: the 60s soul box set "Beg, Scream, and Shout" is designed like a 45 case and the 70s soul set "Can You Dig It" is made to look like an 8-track holder.
If you do start a blog, I hope it's a music one because you seem to know your stuff. I hope that you stop by and comment again soon.
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