In preparation for the series finale, earlier this year I had planned to play catch up on what I missed via DVD and season 6 episodes streamed online. One of my colleagues graciously offered to loan me her seasons 1-5 DVD boxed sets. She started me out with the first 2 seasons and I intended to watch them and remaining sets over successive weekends. Although I knew I was under the gun time-wise, I was up for the challenge... or so I thought. While I was in my kitchen one weekend afternoon, I looked at the season 1 and 2 DVD boxed sets of Lost as they leaned against the TV stand/cabinet in my living room (for the 3rd weekend in a row). I said to myself, "shiiit" because I knew that catching up on Lost wasn't going to happen for me. I also rationalized that even if I did watch every episode leading up to finale, there still was no guarantee it would all make sense.
Because it will likely go down as a landmark event in TV history, I still plan on watching the series finale of Lost. Besides, I can read the seasons 1-5 recaps contained in the May 14 special issue of Entertainment Weekly to fill in some of the gaps. The finale will run two-and-a-half hours starting at 9 pm EST; pushing the local news back a half-hour, followed by the previously announced post-finale special, Jimmy Kimmel Live: Aloha to Lost, at 12:05 a.m.
Whichever way you vote, please feel free to share the reason(s) why in the comments section of this post.
Because I love the show and have followed it from the beginning!!!
I cannot wait for the finale!! :) You really need to finish watching all the seasons before you watch the last one.
Surprisingly, I have never watched an episode, but you can't watch em all!
I didn't start watching until last year. I checked out the first season and was immediately hooked. Caught up on the first five seasons in time to watch the sixth in real time. I am looking forward to seeing how it all ends.
Been watching since the very first episode and am completely and utterly hooked.
In the last few episodes most "questions" about the story have been answered...we know why and who....but now there is one last question to be answered..."what is the island"...and it's possible that might not be answered.
I am really looking forward to the Jimmy Kimmel evening as well! And there is a kind of "recap" episode before the finale of the tv show....so that might help viewers who have missed storylines or episodes...
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