Below are the topics that will be covered each night (along with a sampling of the movies being featured):
The evolution of Native American depictions by director John Ford (May 4)-
- Stagecoach (1939) starring John Wayne, Claire Trevor and John Carradine
- Cheyenne Autumn (1964) with Richard Widmark, Carrol Baker, and Karl Malden
Non-Indians in Indian roles (May 6)-
- The Outsider (1961) starring Tony Curtis as the ill-fated WW II hero Ira Hayes
- Walk the Proud Land (1956) featuring Anne Bancroft as an Apache widow gifted to an Indian agent (Audie Murphy) by a grateful Apache chieftain
Indians as enemies (May 11)-
- Northwest Passage (1940) with Spencer Tracy, Robert Young, and Walter Brennan
- The Last of the Mohicans (1992) starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Madeline Stowe, and Wes Studi
White men living among Indians (May 13)-
- John Huston's 1960 western The Unforgiven starring Burt Lancaster and Audrey Hepburn
- The 1990 Best Picture Oscar winner Dances With Wolves starring Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell, and Graham Greene
Indians as “noble savages” (May 18)-
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) featuring Will Sampson as Chief Bromden
- 1970's A Man Called Horse starring Richard Harris in the title role and featuring Dame Judith Anderson as Buffalo Cow Head!
Native Americans facing racism (May 20)-
- Devil's Doorway (1950) starring Robert Taylor, Louis Calhern, and future All My Children star James Mitchell
- The 1992 mystery Thunderheart which stars Val Kilmer as a half-Sioux FBI agent
Native American actors and filmmakers (May 25)-
- The 1994 made-for-cable movie Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee starring Irene Bedard (who in addition to providing the voice of Pocahontas in the 1995 Disney animated film of the same name, was the physical model for the character as well)
- Smoke Signals, the 1998 road movie starring Adam Beach, Evan Adams, and Irene Bedard
Images from outside Hollywood (May 27)-
- The 1922 silent documentary Nanook of the North
- Broken Rainbow, the 1985 Academy Award winner for Best Documentary Feature which tells the story of the mistreatment of Native Americans at the hands of the U.S. government.
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