The Misinformation Machine.
The level of insanity going on this country right now is mind blowing. On
one side you have a cult spreading disinformation, lies, and wallowing in
1 week ago
He did such a great job in this role, but I'm just not sure that he deserves the nomination.
Maybe they are just considering nominating him because he died.?
I think he should have won for Broke Back Mountain.
I haven't seen it yet, but Heath Ledger was always an amazing performer, in my opinion. I have no doubt without even seeing it that it's probably Academy Award nomination work.
I think he will be nominated but I don't think he will win. If he were alive, he probably would.
I saw The Dark Knight this know how when you are watching someone that is so much into a role that they are no longer themselves? He was so far gone that it was scary...that is definitely Oscar nomination worthy...
Will he win? That I don't know, but I think he deserves to, alive or dead...
I voted that he will be nominated but not win. I haven't seen this movie yet...but I did see "I'm Not There" we just bought the dvd. Ledger is very good in h is in all his roles. I felt very sad seeing him in role of "Dylan" and this weekend I watched a bit of rerun of Brokeback Mountain...he is so good.
On that he might win because of overall performances?
I can imagine the Oscar voters wanting to make sure history notes they could recognize his talent even if it came by late as an honor...(I hope that made sense I mean the Academy wants to have record of having good taste)
I went to see "The Dark Knight" last night and Ledger was excellent, I must say. I didn't go expecting Nicholas' joker and I didn't get it. If you thought the first Joker was 'off the hook' wait until you get a load of this guy, true genius at work. I still don't think he will win the Oscar, but here's hoping.
Yeah, no, he's not my cup of tea.
I haven't seen the film yet - I went Friday and there were no seats left! I also couldn't get into Mamma Mia - so saw Journey to the Center of the Earth. It was fun but it wasn't Darknight!
I didn't vote because I haven't seen the film.
BTW, I just posted my first Thursday Thirteen - I know it's Wednesday, but Carol said she posts hers around 6 pm Central so I did too - only my alarm went of an hour early - stupid new cell phone, lol.
i think Ledger was a fine actor and he certainly proved it in this role. it's ashame that his life ended so tragically.
the Oscar thing is a bit of a paradox: there will be those who will not vote for him simply because he died and they don't want it to look like a sympathy award, even if he was deserving.
there will be others who WILL vote for him on the merits of his performance.
i'm not sure what will happen, but whatever happens will surely be interesting to watch as it unfolds.
I voted nominated but won't win cause they academy has a thing about stiffing stiffs if you will pardon the total lack of PC'ness. They nominated James Dean TWICE.
I should add that I think he deserves to win and should have won for Brokeback.
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