1. Joey Heatherton naked
2. house of payne sucks
3. pet shop boys arthur fonzarelli
4. Lean On Me 1989 Bathroom scene with the singers
5. what do the music is my hot, hot sex lyrics say during the portuguese part
6. millie jackson centipede youtube
7. mary gallagher luv'd michigan
8. adam levine NAKED
9. ellen hula hooping
10. william zabka is bringing sexy back
For all of you bloggers, what are some of the funniest keywords that people have used to get to your spot?
I post these keywords every couple of weeks on my blog, they crack me up. there are some wild ones all right!
I found your blog by typing in "hot guy with great taste in music"
(1) I guess Barbara and I found your blog through different routes, although you do have excelent taste in music.
(2) So are Joey Heatherton and Adam Levine both naked in the same picture?
(3) I don't really get a lot of strange or funny queries. The only two completely off the mark are ones looking for "Twilight Sex" and "X Spot Surgery," which come up over and over again.
Candy Minx: I am thinking about doing a regular feature on my blog as well about the crazy keywords that people use to get to my site.
Barbara: Flattery (and the occas. $20 bill) will get you everywhere.
X. Dell: Thanks for the kind words regarding my taste in music. One of the things that attracted me to your blog was when you talked about WKNR in one of your posts and the fact that for favorite music you have vintage rock 1959-1963 listed on your profile page.
Joey Heatherton (in some way, shape, or form) is always in the top 10 for keywords used to get to my blog. Usu. the words "nude" or "naked" are also included. Now if Joey Heatherton and Adam Levine were naked in the same pic, that would be something.
I had never heard of X Spot Surgery until now. When I typed it in a Google search, I found that your blog was #2 on the results page.
These lists are always funny. Yesterday, someone got to my blog after searching for "pictures of buffalo poop!" (Who would want pictures of buffalo poop anyway?!)
BookMama: A search using the keywords "pictures of buffalo poop"?! Why?! I'd say that's a perfect example of why I selected the name of this post.
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