A Couple of My Articles Were Reprinted in a new Memphis Public Library
Recently, the Memphis Public Library (via The Memphis Library Foundation)
launched a new
quarterly publication called MPL UNBOUND.
I’m happy and pro...
6 days ago
This is one of my favorite movies ever!! :)
Jessica: Although it's been awhile since I have watched "The Breakfast Club" in its entirety, I have seen it well over 50 times!
Malcolm, I haven't seen it once. You must have memorized the lines by now.
The only brat pack movie I ever saw was St. Elmo's Fire, and only because I was on a date. Since that movie pretty much had the same actors in it as this one, I'll use that for my voting basis.
Okay. That's cheating. But voting for someone for all the wrong reasons has become a trend.
St. Elmo's Fire does have three interchangeable actors (Estevez, Judd, and Sheedy); however they are very different movies about different times in young peoples' lives. The Breakfast Club takes place in high school, while St.Elmo's fire is about the lives of newly graduated college students. I enjoyed both, but Breakfast Club is a comedy and the other definitely a drama. I recommend Breakfast Club for anyone who hasn't seen it.
I love this movie. I know someone once that said if I was ever played in a movie, Molly Ringwald would be the slam-dunk to play me. I'm not sure what to think about that, since I identify far more with the Ally Sheedy character. :)
X. Dell: Even though it's been awhile, I can still recite most of the dialogue. Your last paragraph made me chuckle. I'm guessing that it's a reference to the Dubya Administration. I second what Pjazzy says above.
Amy: If I'm not mistaken, I believe I know the guy who made the Ringwald casting call. His comment may have had more to do with Molly the actress being able to pull you off as opposed to any similarities between you and Claire. Since you identify with Allison Reynolds, do you also keep a lot of "shit in your bag"? :-)
I love this movie so much!
Judd Nelsen...easy.
But I love each of the characters and they are dear to my heart.
Hey Malcolm--
Just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy thanksgiving! Thanks for being one of my favorite blogging friends :) You always make me smile!
This is my absolute FAVORITE movie. i have it memorized for sure!! It is hard to choose a favorite, but I chose John Bender. He's so cool. Plus, he was so HOT.
Candy Minx: For me, it would be a toss up between John Bender and Allison Reynolds. However, she would probably get the edge. The lie she told to get Claire to admit her virginity is one of my favorite parts of the movie.
Jessica: Thanks for the Turkey Day wishes. Sorry I wasn't able to respond sooner. I've thoroughly enjoyed your blog since discovering it this past summer. Your take on things is always a good source of entertainment for me.
Kellyo75: I'll bet there were a lot of girls like you who were turned on by Mr. Bender. Was it the slight streak of grey hair or the combination flannel shirt over the long john top?
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