A Couple of My Articles Were Reprinted in a new Memphis Public Library
Recently, the Memphis Public Library (via The Memphis Library Foundation)
launched a new
quarterly publication called MPL UNBOUND.
I’m happy and pro...
6 days ago
Absolutely! It's a free country (so they say) and they have a right to their opinions just like the rest of the citizens.
This was hard to answer because I totally believe they have the right, as anyone does, to express their political beliefs. So, on that hand...yes...
If they choose to keep their beliefs private, well, that's fine with me, too.
And, of course, I don't always like what celebrities have to say....too many options, which is why I picked "no opinion"...
They have a right to voice their opinions and I have a right to ignore them, lol!
Wazzup, Malcolm? I still have your cd of old tv themes on my To Do list!!! Just been a busy little artist with very little time!
Am I in FAVOR of it? No. Do they have a right to? Of course.
Unfortunately celebrities influence too many people that can't think for themselves. Being a celebrity and having an opinion does not mean they have researched the facts. We need to do that for ourselves.
I have no problem with it at all, they are voters and citizens.
I am too upset about yesterdays results in Pennsylvania...arg...I am inconsolable,...
The problem isn't that people feel comfortable sharing their opinions, but that those who are famous have more political weight, simply because the celebrity is an agent of identification.
If all of us were able not only to voice an opinion but empowered to act in a meaningful way to foster needed change, then that would render this question moot.
I voted.
They do have the right to voice their opinions. BUT I do not have to listen to them.
I'm in favor of anyone speaking up, including celebraities.
What I disfavor, however, are the non-celebrities (aka "regular people") giving any more weight to celebrities' opinions than others' opinions.
Pjazzy: I like that "so they say" disclaimer you put in there.
The Chick That Knows How To Rock: I started to just have "Yes" and "No" options for this poll, but I am glad that I didn't because others seem to feel the same as you.
Pop Art Diva: Agreed. As have you, I have been busy too. I look forward to getting the CD of TV themes whenever you have time.
Barbara: Too many people are easily swayed and will vote based on the beliefs of their favorite actor, singer, etc. That's frightening when you think about it.
Candy: I hope you have sufficiently recovered from the PA results of last week.
X. Dell: Agreed. Although it shouldn't, being a celeb carries a certain weight.
Shannon: It's all about thinking for ourselves.
David: Although there is no concrete way we could get an accurate figure (after all, who is going to admit that they voted a certain way based on a celeb's beliefs), it would be interesting to find out how many of us do.
If they didn't voice their political opinions, it would be one less thing for us to make fun of.
And, if I didn't know who Scarlett Johannsson was voting for, how would I possibly decide where to cast my own (far less glamorous) ballot? :)
Tough question. I said yes it is a free country and we can express ourselves freely. I think what bothers me is that stars usually tend to express their political views like Moses on the mount and it automatically becomes the view of countless sheeple who are unable to think for themselves. But there isn't anything you can do about that I guess.
Of course they have the right to express themselves. Free speech isn't a right granted only to some.
Of course we as a public also have to act responsibly in choosing who we respect enough to listen to.
What's A Donzer: Don't laugh, but Scarlett's opinion is going to swing the upcoming election.
Dane: I agree with you. It's ironic that you used the Moses analogy because Charlton Heston was one of the most vocal celebs in regards to politics. I've never heard the term "sheeple" until now. I am going to have to use that one.
Robin: Agreed. It's all about educating one's self instead of letting a celeb tell us how we should think and feel.
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