In one of my recent polls, I asked how people felt about the use of pop/rock songs in commercials. The Rock Chick (writer of the blog Life Is RANTastic!) mentioned in the comments section that she likes the Old Navy commercials. Her remarks made me think of the ad campaign that The Gap did back in the 1990s. The 1998 spot below features dancers swinging to the tune "Jump, Jive, and Wail" (recorded in 1956 by Louis Prima & Keely Smith along w/ Sam Butera and the Witnesses). This commercial was pretty influential because it was the first time that many of us saw the "bullet time" effect (a computer enhanced simulation of variable speed). This visual effect became even more popular through its use in such films as the 1999 box-office smash "The Matrix".
I remember this commercial well. Makes you want to run out and get a pair of those khakis don't it? Of course I liked the dancing which reminded me of the Madonna dance hall sequence in "A League of Their Own".
I can't wrap my brain around the fact that those aired ten years ago. It doesn't seem that long ago!
But I definitely liked that commercial!
If that commercial doesn't make you want to wear drab old khaki pants, I don't know what will! I even ran out and bought a pair, but could never find anyone willing to dance like that with me.
Oh, well! Last yea when Old Navy ran commericals with the song "Watching You" by The Rogue Traders, I had a similar urge to wear shorts with high heeled sandals and strut down the street. I didn't, but I wanted to! LOL
I can't believe the ad was done that long ago...wow!
Pjazzy: "A League of Their Own" is one of the few acting performances of Madonna's that I like. I had forgotten all about that dance scene.
Holly and Jessica: On one hand, it seems like it was 15 years ago. On the other hand, it only seems like 5.
The Rock Chick: I just went to Cyber Crack to see if that Old Navy commercial you mentioned was available... it was. I had never seen it until now. That's one I would have remembered.
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