In a last ditch attempt to save the fading reality series, NBC announced that "The Apprentice" will return mid-season with celebrities replacing unknown entreprenurial wannabes as contestants. Due to declining ratings "The Apprentice" had been cancelled, but was rescued by new entertainment chief Ben Silverman. Instead of going to work for Trump, the celebrity winner will donate their proceeds to charity.
NBC hasn't named any contestants yet, but they said they were looking for people with entreprenurial abilities in the areas of sports, entertainment, and fashion. Although an invitation has been extended to Rosie O'Donnell to appear on the show, her spokesperson quickly put the squash on that idea.
Based on NBC's criteria, here are a few celebs that I think would make ideal contestants:
Master P
Emeril Lagasse
Nicky Hilton
Lance Armstrong
Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds
Jenna Jameson
Which celebrities would you like to see face "The Donald" in the boardroom?
The Misinformation Machine.
The level of insanity going on this country right now is mind blowing. On
one side you have a cult spreading disinformation, lies, and wallowing in
1 week ago
Rosie would have been perfect. Talking about "Must See TV", WOW!that would have been awesome. I don't really know the criteria that NBC set forth, but two that come to mind based solely on your list are Rachael Ray and Jermaine Dupree.
Hi pjazzy:
I think that Rachael Ray and Jermaine Dupree would definitely fit the bill. As for the criteria, NBC is looking for people with entreprenurial abilities in the areas of sports, entertainment, and fashion.
No JD. Can you imagine having to listen to his voice for 15 weeks?
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